Natural treatments/probiotic for IBS-C?Hello, I’m a 24 year old male and I have had IBSC for years now. I have been taking Linzess since 2017, but due to several reasons I’ll be tapering...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesIBS-C
Is this really IBSHello everyone, I am new here and hoping to get some answer to my question. So all this started after I had my 1st Astral zeneca vaccine shot. I had...Reactions0reactionsComments26 repliesDiagnosisIBS-CAwareness
after 8 years "without" ibs-c using ssri pills the symptoms came back*sorry for my English is not my native language I'm suffering from IBS-c since the age of 12 (today 29) when I was 21 I went to some doctor that...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesDepressionIBS-CPain
Treating bloating in IBSI have suffered from IBS-C for more than 10 years now. I was diagnosed when i was 13 and now I am 23. I have also had very severe bloating...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesIBS-CTreatmentIBS-D
IBS but strange symptomsHi all. I have suffered with IBS for the best part of 30 years, on and off at first, nowadays it's a lot more prevalent. I have had both C...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesIBS-DIBS-MIBS-C
Just gas I can't control, why? I have been eating low fodmap a long time but I can't figure out why I have smelly gas. I'll save you the details but I've had very unpleasant public...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesIBS-CLow FODMAPDiet & Nutrition
My wife with IBS - 4 months and not going awayHi everyone, For the last 4 months my wife has been experiencing nausea every morning and it's really severe, as the day goes on the nausea is still present but...Reactions0reactionsComments13 repliesIBS-CTips & AdviceIBS-D
Having to go 5-6 times a dayHi - I have to go 5 - 6 times a day and most of it during mornings. I usually wake up around 6 am because i have to go...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesIBS-CIBS-MIBS-D
Pregabalin Hi everyone! Has anyone tried Pregabalin? I was diagnosed with IBS (C) 3 months back. The pain I suffer from isn't a normal cramping or stomachache kind of pain. It's...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentIBS-CPain
Gallbladder Removal and IBSHey guys! I have a quick question. I have suffered from IBS for as long as I can remember. This past year has by far been the worse it’s ever...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesSymptomsIBS-CIBS-D