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Paris and IBS-D, please, help!

I’m currently living in the US, and I suffer from IBS-D. Next week I’ll travel to Paris and I’m kinda scare that I won’t find any place where I can eat. Or that I can’t find any store that sells low fodmap food. Do you have any suggestions? Tips? I really appreciate any help, thank you.

  1. Hi, - Thanks for your question. Paris sounds great! Is this for vacation? While not Paris, one of our contributors wrote about her experience when she traveled to Italy while trying to adhere to the low FODMAP diet. I thought you might appreciate her insight. Here's the article: Safe travels! We'd love to hear about your travel experience when you return. If you're willing, you could submit your story here: Take care. - Chris, Team

    1. My GP told me to take Imodium when I travel. A few consecutive days of use are not harmful.

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